Examining the Shadow Side of Wokeism and Religion
In the ongoing cultural zeitgeist, the notion of "woke" has gained immense popularity. Admittedly, atheists like myself played a part in this. Back in 2006-2007, when Youtube became a thing myself and many other atheists joined the crusade to share atheism with the world. We wanted people to know that it is okay to be an atheist and it doesn't make you a bad person. I still believe those things are all true, but what I didn't account for is that when people are not trained in formal logic, and when as humans we still have this need to join the "newest thing" that unfounded social theories would replace religion.
Those who subscribe to evangelical wokeism purport to be the proprietors of empathy and the champions of compassion. They have erected a contemporary, twenty-first century religion that demands adherence to a particular set of politically-charged doctrines without evoking the divinity. This leads me to ask - Does a religion need a god in order to be a religion? Or, perhaps there exists a religious mindset that is simply a part of human nature. Humans are mostly motivated by what they believe is right and correct - this includes the 911 terrorists. In their feverish quest for a collective paradise, the woke have callously thrown individuality to the wolves and refuse to listen to common sense. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
These acolytes fancy themselves the savants of society, the only ones capable of deciphering its complexities. They arrogantly claim to be the sole bearers of righteousness, dismissing any dissenters as intellectually inferior. But this blog is about why Woke is religious in nature - and why you should continue calling a spade a spade. Lets look at the parallels between wokeism and religion, then take a closer look at their religious mindset....
The Nuts and Bolts of the Church of Woke
Low Standards of Evidence:
- Woke ideology, like religion, often relies on minimal evidence, making it difficult to question its beliefs.
- Comparable to unfalsifiable religious beliefs such as the existence of a god, astrology, psychoanalysis, or homeopathic medicine.
Lack of Falsifiability:
- Woke theories are constructed to be virtually impossible to disprove, akin to religious beliefs that are resistant to challenge.
- Both make it challenging to engage in meaningful debates or critical examinations.
Absence of Empirical Testing:
- Unlike good scientific theories, woke theories typically avoid creating testable hypotheses, experiments, or predictions.
- Lack of empirical validation and prohibitions similar to scientific theories like gravity.
Providing a Sense of Meaning:
- Woke ideology offers a sense of purpose and meaning in life, akin to the role religion plays for many.
- Provides believers with a moral compass and a feeling of doing the right thing.
Reluctance to Admit Wrongness:
- Similar to religious individuals, the woke community often resists admitting when they are wrong.
- Tendency to reject contrary evidence or viewpoints, making open dialogue challenging.
Use of Pejoratives:
- Like religious individuals using threats of hellfire, the woke can resort to name-calling, labeling dissenters as racist, sexist, or transphobic.
- This tactic discourages open discussion and criticism.
- Woke adherents tend to conform to the beliefs propagated by prominent figures within the movement.
- Reliance on consensus rather than critical thinking or independent verification.
Fear of Ostracism:
- Religious people may fear expulsion or ostracism from their faith communities if they voice doubts.
- Woke individuals may fear backlash or cancellation from within their own ranks for questioning woke narratives or revealing inherent flaws.
The woke mindset contains a strong sense of "divine wisdom" thinking, as those who follow it need to feel as though they are part of something greater than themselves. Without this identity, all that remains is an empty shell. To control the masses, the woke have created their own interpretations of Christianity's "original sin" without the forgiveness offered by Christianity. It is a bleak situation indeed.
In recent years, the term "woke" has gained popularity as a label for a social and political movement centered around issues of social justice, equity, and inclusion. However, many critics have argued that the woke movement shares some of the characteristics of a religion, despite its secular, non-supernatural nature. In this blog post, we'll explore the idea that woke is a complex faith-based religion without scientific basis, just like any other religion.
As an individualist and advocate of Objectivism, I reject the concept of "wokeism" and its underlying tenets. The woke movement is nothing more than a faith-based religion, deriving its core beliefs and values from social theories. Like other religions, it has its set of core beliefs that are considered beyond critical examination and unquestionable. However, while many religions have punished or executed those who question their beliefs, the woke movement has taken to cancel culture, deplatforming anyone who holds differing opinions. This intolerance is unacceptable and goes against the fundamental principles of individualism and freedom.
Furthermore, the woke movement legitimizes itself with the language of academic legitimacy, using social theories as its foundational texts. However, the woke movement lacks scientific basis and has failed to meet the standard scientific method of experimentation, prediction, and falsifiability. Woke theories do not make falsifiable predictions or provide empirical evidence to support their claims. Woke followers rely on anecdotal evidence and personal experiences rather than testing their theories or revising them based on new data. This lack of critical thinking is concerning and goes against the principles of reason and logic.
The woke movement has become dogmatic and intolerant, comparable to some religions. Woke adherents have become increasingly intolerant of those who do not subscribe to their beliefs, and have adopted a cancel culture mentality, where anyone who questions or challenges woke ideas is ostracized, shamed, and vilified. This intolerance is a threat to individualism and freedom and goes against the principles of Objectivism.
As an individualist, I believe that one's freedom of thought and speech should not be suppressed, and individuals should be allowed to hold and express their opinions, even if they differ from the mainstream. The woke movement's attempt to suppress individualism and enforce groupthink is a dangerous trend that threatens our freedom and individual rights. It is essential that we remain vigilant and actively defend our individualism and freedom from the encroachment of woke dogmatic ideologies.
Nearly twenty-five years ago I elected to become a Christian apostate, and I did so entirely on my own terms. I was sick and tired of Bible thumpers thinking they have the right to tell me what morality is. Screw that. I have a brain and know how to ascertain right from wrong through my own mental faculties, thank you very much. I may have had poor judgement when I was in my early twenties, but I am well in my forties and don't need people like that telling me that I am too stupid to figure out what reality is. The woke hold that white people are privileged, yet cannot draw confirmations of this through the proper channels of experimentation as all good theories should. They hold men control women, gender is fluid, straight men should be willing to have sex with passing transgender women, and going to the gym to look better is fat-phobic. Yes, these people are insane, if you do not like the fact I have to right to say that, call a waaam-bulance.
To understand why non-religious people think, behave, and act like religious sheep in the cult of woke requires a person to look at the shadow side of themselves. “Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” (Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil) Nietzsche used this phrase to describe that man has a dark part, known as the shadow and when we examine that shadow side of oneself results in various forms of madness. To stare into the abyss means that you are looking deep into the dark parts of your mind. If you are 'woke', chances are the rest of this blog will either set you into a whirlwind of denial, or anger by probably both.
Religion may fade - but sheep continue to exist
parallels between Wokeism and Religion are astounding. Religion is a
crutch for weak people unable to deal with the harsh realities of
existence. Much like religion, the woke congregate together, march
together, and internet rant together because they find strength in
numbers. This is self-evident as the 'woke' refuse to have any
libertarians, theists, or Republicans on their Facebook accounts to
provide counter arguments. The woke claim, "I don't have time for that,"
when in reality it's because they are too weak minded to deal with
alternate viewpoints, so much so that if you have the audacity of having your own ideas and disagreeing with them, they will call you.."a stupid, de-evolved, racist, sexist, ageist, fat-phobic bigot, trans-hater morally on par with a racist." One thing the woke will not do is actually engage with any relevant points you make. They can't have a rational debate with you, they know it, and it pisses them off.
In a world where religion fades weak-minded people continue to exist, and wokeism is what evolved to replace it. These people still need to feel like they are good, ethical and caring. I admire that about them. But our issue with them is their inherent irrationality evidence by their willful low standards of evidence backing up any of their social theories about race, sex, gender, or obesity. Their standards are as low as any pseudo-science. If you calmly point this out to them, they will erupt with anger and call you names.

Woke ideologies are in the grey - while real science is pink

Islamic fundamentalists shout, "Allah Akbar" while the Woke scream "Black Lives Matter", "I can't breath" and "Trans-women are women!" Islamists pray to Mecca, Christians pray to a cross and the Woke take a knee. Islamists and the Woke like burning the American flag. The Woke and the religious take offense at every opportunity and demand not only apologies but concessions. All of these groups think they have the right to not be offended. Islamist's inveighs blasphemy, even imposing their taboo's onto others while the Woke want to outlaw what they deem hate speech. Hate speech is in truth any idea that does not conform to their ideology. Muslims evoke the word 'Islamophobia' to silence criticism while the Woke evoke the word "trans-phobic" and "racist," to silence their critics. As a girl who developed selective mutism due to years of verbal, physical and emotional abuse landing me in the foster care system - I take great offense to the employment of these tactics on any human being.
ideologies driving both Islamist and the Woke aim to tear down existing
systems that turn out to be hellish anarchy predicated on violating the
human rights of opponents. An example of these hellish systems would be
the Islamic state Raqqa and for the Woke, it would be the Capitol Hill
autonomous zone in Seattle. If you really want to see the system the
Woke want to create, just look at the rising crime rates across the
country. They are responsible for creating that entire mess. The Woke
Sheep and far left are responsible for creating the disgusting homeless
situation in Seattle. That is their world. That is what they
want. Their entire narrative is never around personal responsibility
but rather everyone is a poor little victim. Please - if you want to
talk about being a victim, we can talk about being a nine year old girl
locked in a bedroom for two months.
What we have to do is think about what it takes to become an evangelical member of the church of woke. You see, there is an entire initiation process and sometimes what appears to be a dress code.
To understand how this all starts, one must also understand what is a Gnostic understanding of the world, that there is what we see and then there is the 'true' world. For example, the concept of transgender identity, in which an individual's inner
gender identity is perceived as different from their physical sex, can
illustrate the metaphysical foundations of 'wokeness.' This perspective
is based on a Gnostic understanding of the world that separates the
reality accessible to a select few from the appearances that are visible
to everyone. To join the group that recognizes this ultimate reality,
an individual must undergo a process of 'awakening,' or, in the language
of identity politics, 'become woke.' Hopefully my readers can see this is not much different than getting baptized or becoming a born again Christian.
The process of joining the woke religion involves a rite of passage. It typically starts with an individual living a typical life centered on work and consumption. Over time, they may feel that this way of life is empty and unfulfilling, and that traditional authorities are dishonest or ineffective. They may come to feel that nothing is as it seems and that they are living in a 'Cartesian nightmare' in which the world exists not because it was created by God, but rather because it was made by the devil or the 'demiurge.' It is only when the individual discovers a small group of like-minded believers who have gained insight into the illusions of the world that they experience an 'awakening.' Alongside their woke counterparts, these believers become a special group that is distinct from and superior to those who remain trapped in the corrupt world of appearances.
Religion and the woke ideologies are collectivist in nature, dichotomous, threatening, they categorize people into groups and crush individual free will. From the perspective of Islam, there are two groups: believers and infidels. The woke also divides people into categories based upon the assumption that because a person is black, homeless or trans they all share a common experience of continued, ongoing oppression and all straight white people are responsible for the sins of their forefathers committed 200 years ago. This collectivist mentality is profoundly harmful because the pursuit of individual happiness and prosperity is not only moral but necessary for social progress, collectivism stifles this pursuit by promoting conformity and sacrificing the needs and interests of individuals for the benefit of the group, so when I see the woke marching with their flags and posting their weird tic tok videos, what I see are lambs sacrificing themselves.
According to the intersectional belief system of wokeness, individuals are made up of multiple identities including race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sex, and sexual orientation. In his book American Awakening, Joshua Mitchell categorizes these identities as 'innocent' and 'guilty' in order to compare wokeness to a distorted version of Protestant Christianity. Mitchell's theory suggests that the 'guilty' identity, specifically the white, heterosexual male, must be eliminated to purify the identities of all other groups. This individual is deemed the 'transgressor,' and according to Mitchell, the sins of other groups, including women, racial minorities, and LGBTQ individuals, are forgiven through the scapegoating of the transgressor. This is similar to the Christian belief that the sins of all descendants of Adam are forgiven through the sacrifice of the scapegoated Christ.
The central driving force behind wokeness is the collective effort to oppose the malevolent spirit that resides within those who are privileged, with the ultimate goal of reversing the privileges inherited by these individuals in favor of those who have suffered. The 'cleaner' identities, due to their purity, have the authority to dictate the course of this struggle, while the privileged must atone for their unclean status by actively participating in the effort. While 'allyship' is the primary way for the privileged to join the struggle, involving the subservience of their privileged identities to those who have experienced the most suffering, it is not the same as traditional Christian forgiveness. Instead, forgiveness in the woke community is achieved through being a good ally. However, privilege is permanent, so the privileged must continually engage in public acts of atonement to make amends.
Those who willingly cling to their privilege and refuse to join the noble struggle alongside the morally upright individuals are deemed impure. The more they stubbornly hold onto their privilege, the more tainted they are perceived to be. The majority of this lower caste consists of white individuals who obstinately deny their privilege, with the most contaminated among them being white supremacists such as neo-Confederates, Proud Boys, and even followers of right-wing conspiracy theories like QAnon. These individuals are the outcasts of the enlightened hierarchy and are believed to deserve any hardships they encounter due to their deliberate retention of privilege.
As caste status is tied to identity, there is always an incentive for individuals to adopt more "clean" identities in order to attain higher levels of purity and power. One controversial aspect of this phenomenon is the concept of "trans-racialism," or the ability to identify as a different race from the one assigned at birth. Cases involving white individuals like Rachel Dolezal, Jessica Krug, CV Vitolo-Haddad, and Satchuel Cole, who have claimed to be black due to their desire to participate in the struggle with an adopted "clean" identity, have sparked debates and discussions.
In the words of the esteemed George Orwell, "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." However, both the woke movement and Islam are two ideological movements that not only tolerate but glorify violence committed in the name of their respective beliefs. Whether it's Christians bombing abortion clinics or the woke and Muslims resorting to destructive acts, their motivations are purely ideological. No amount of entitlements or mandated implicit bias training will ever satiate their insatiable thirst for control.
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