Winter Fitness Regime

Six weeks ago I started a new fitness regime. I am going to put on as much lean muscle as I can, focusing mostly on the lets, hips and thighs. I made an extensive YouTube playlist with some of my favorite workouts. Here is what I am doing:

First thing in the morning - 50 jumping jacks or jump rope
Body weight Resistance Training consisting of deep squats, donkey press, straight leg curls and lunges. I will do about 5 sets of resistance workouts, pushing until the muscle is burning and trembling.
Depending on the exercise intensity, I will wait a day or two before working out again.

In just six weeks my body has toned up nicely. I am going to continue with the muscle building regime until March, then I will change to a high intensity cardio workout. I will most likely be doing the Insanity workout three times a day at thirty minute intervals.

As for now, the winter months are all about building muscle and getting tone. I hope you all have an exercise regime as well. I love working out and have been going to the gym for years. I also like to get advice from other people.


  1. I hope you all have an exercise SlimLife HCG drops regime as well. I love working out and have been going to the gym for years.


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